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About Us:

WirelessNerd is a large language model-based system designed to provide reliable and up-to-date information for everyday consumers, industry professionals, and researchers alike who seek evidence-based knowledge. Our mission is to enrich user searches with built-in safety analysis.

How It Works:

WirelessNerd answers technology-related questions by leveraging peer-reviewed research sourced from arXiv. We invite you to ask questions on various technical questions. The system will provide live updates as it processes for you to follow along. Once generated, the output presents users with a comprehensive response alongside in-depth article analyses that is built off full-text articles, when available. By clicking through these article summaries, you will be able to quickly grasp key attributes of each study and access the original articles in arXiv for increased transparency.

Meet Our Team

Professor Dennis Shasha

Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University

Shela Wu

Department of Computer Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University